World DJ Day!

What is the day today?

World DJ Day!

World DJ day is not only an official fest but also an important charity event, which takes place in 2002 (was founded) , behalf of the International club industry. Every year on March 9 in the World Day DJ around the world makes like an charity event to help children's organizations. 

The initiators of the event are the World DJ Fund Foundation and the organization of Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy, which uses music to treat children and adults. All moneys earned by the DJs / Clubs / Radio stations in that day go to various children's fonds and international institutions.

charity [ ˈtʃærəti ] благотворительность, милосердие;
behalf [ bɪˈhɑːf ] защита, поручение;
treat [ triːt ] лечить, обращаться;
earned [ ɜːn ] заработанный, полученный.