Wear a Dress Day!

What is the day today?

Wear a Dress Day!

Wear a Dress Day is a day of beauty, fun and of course dresses. It takes place twice a year on June 1st and December 1st and is simply a day to wear a dress and have fun. For some this is a rare excusse to dress up, for others it is just another day, but for all it should be a happy day! So get dolled up, slap on a smile and go out in your best dress.

Wear a Dress Day was started in Bend, Oregon (USA) on April 17th 2010 after a simple conversation about how beautiful dresses are and how more women should wear them. It soon spread through Facebook and on May 27th there were officially 100,000 people attending the event.

rare [ reə(r) ] редкий;
excusse [ɪkˈskjuːs] предлог, повод;
dolled up [ ˌdɒldˈʌp ][ ʌp ] разряженный;
slap [ slæp ] удар, шлепок;
conversation [ ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn ] собеседование, разговор;
spread [ spred ] распространение.