Umbrella Day!

What is the day today?

Umbrella Day!

Umbrella Day is in honor of one of the world's most invaluable inventions. On a rainy, day, we are sure glad that someone was smart enough to invent it. It's also increasingly popular to use umbrellas to shade ourselves from harmful UV radiation, and the heat of the sun. 

Umbrellas come in all sorts of sizes, colors, shapes, and, designs. Businesses and organizations use them for advertising. The smallest umbrellas fit inside a purse or glove compartment. Golf umbrellas are popular sizes. Then, there are lawn and beach umbrellas. There's one (or two) made just for you. 

Celebrate Umbrella Day in a couple of ways. First, make sure your umbrella is handy. Second, use it, or walk around with it. If you don't have an umbrella, isn't it time to get one?

invaluable [ ɪnˈvæl.jʊ.bl̩ ] бесценный;
invention [ ɪnˈvenʃn ] изобретение, выдумка;
increasingly [ ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ] в большей степени, чрезвычайно;
purse [ pɜːs ] кошелек, деньги;
lawn [ lɔːn ] лужайка.