Skywarn Recognition Day!

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Skywarn Recognition Day!

When the sky turns dark or the wind picks up, public service volunteers provide essential weather information as it’s happening. SKYWARN Recognition Day every first Saturday in December is a day to acknowledge their contributions to their communities.

The purpose of the observation is to recognize the vital public service contributions that Amateur Radio operators make during National Weather Service severe weather warning operations. It also strengthens the bond between Amateur Radio operators and the local National Weather Service.

essential [ ɪˈsenʃl ] необходимый, существенный;
acknowledge [ əkˈnɒlɪdʒ ] подтверждать, признавать;
contributions [ ˌkɒn.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən ] взносы;
strengthens [ ˈstreŋ.θən ] укрепляет;
bond [ bɒnd ] связь, облигация.