Santa's List Day!

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Santa's List Day!

Santa's List Day!

Today is Santa's List Day. Have you been good all year? Have you been Naughty? Or, have you been nice? Santa knows. 

Santa's Elves have been everywhere, checking up on children all over the world, to see who has been naughty, and who has been nice. Thanks to the hard work of his elves, Santa Claus has two lists. The short list contains the names of a few children who have been naughty. A much longer list is filled with the names of children who have been good all year long. 

Which list are you on?

Naughty [ ˈnɔː.ti ] непослушный;
checking up [ tʃek ][ ʌp ] проверяя;
contains [ kənˈteɪn ] содержит;
filled [ fɪl ] наполненный.