Pop Art Day!

What is the day today?

Pop Art Day!

Pop Art Day is celebrated annually on the anniversary of Jackson Pollock‘s birth. When Chris and I first decided to celebrate this day we were a little confused – 
Jackson Pollock’s works are classified as abstract expressionism, very different from the pop art of artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. 

But after further research we discovered that he was highly regarded among his contemporaries, serving as the “model of a painter who had successfully fused art and life.” Pollock was a strong influence on future movements, and his work is considered fundamental in laying the groundwork for the creation of the Pop Art and Op Art movements. 

What better way is there to celebrate Pop Art Day than by creating some pop art! 

confused [ kənˈfjuːzd ] путанный, запутавшийся;
further [ ˈfɜːðə(r) ] дальнейший, добавочный;
regarded [ rɪˈɡɑːd ] расцененный, рассматриваемый;
contemporaries [ kənˈtem.pər.ər.i ] современники;
fused [ fjuːzd ] расплавленный;
groundwork [ ˈɡraʊnd.wɜːk ] основа, фон, наработка.