National Chocolate Cake Day!

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National Chocolate Cake Day!

Do we need a birthday, wedding or anniversary to have chocolate cake? Not on January 27, because it’s National Chocolate Cake Day.

In America, chocolate was consumed primarily as a beverage until the 1830s or 40s. Chocolate cakes, as we think of them today, mostly did not exist then. According to the Dover Post, the chocolate cake was born in 1765 when a doctor and a chocolate maker teamed up in an old mill. They ground up cocoa beans between huge millstones to make a thick syrup. The liquid was poured into molds shaped like cakes, which were meant to be transformed into a beverage. 

A popular Philadelphia cookbook author, Eliza Leslie, published the earliest chocolate cake recipe in 1847 in The Lady’s Receipt Book. Unlike chocolate cakes we know today, this recipe used chopped chocolate. Other cooks of the time such as Sarah Tyson Rorer and Maria Parloa all made contributions to the development of the chocolate cake and were prolific authors of cookbooks. 

consumed [ kənˈsjuːm ] потребляемый, употреблённый;
primarily [ praɪˈmerəli ] в основном, первоначально;
mill [ mɪl ] мельница;
millstones [ ˈmɪl.stəʊn ] жернова; 
chopped [ tʃɒp ] рублёный.