Peculiar People Day!

What is the day today?

Peculiar People Day!

“Peculiar People” can be described as abnormal, odd, strange, unusual, extraordinary and different. All these characteristics of people can either be positive or negative. This day is also celebrated to look for something good in a peculiar person. 

This day can be celebrated by anyone who thinks he/she is a peculiar person. You should appreciate and honor this day as it is special for you. If you don’t find anything peculiar about yourself, then think once again. Observe yourself and you would for sure find something odd or unique. There are chances that you may find everything okay about yourself then all you need to do is appreciate your peculiar friends or people you know.

peculiar [ pɪˈkjuː.li.ər ] своеобразный, специфический;
odd [ ɒd ] странный, непарный; 
unique [ juˈniːk ] уникальный, единственный.