National Bagel Day!

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National Bagel Day!

National Bagel Day (formerly Bagel and Lox Day) is observed annually on February 9th. 

Bagels are one of the few breads that are boiled then baked. This creates a soft inside while keeping a crisp outside. Bagels originated in Poland in the early 17th century and now sell over a billion dollars worth each year in the United States. 

Over the years, many flavors and varieties of bagels have sprung up across the USA. Cream cheese is a favorite topping on bagels. 

Bagel [ ˈbeɪ.ɡəl ] бублик;
annually [ ˈænjuəli ] ежегодно;
boiled [ bɔɪld ] вареный, кипяченый;
sprung up [ sprʌŋ ] [ ʌp ] появились.