Monopoly Game Invented!

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Monopoly Game Invented!

March 7, 1933 in Atlantic City (USA), an unemployed electrical engineer Charles Darrow invented the famous board game Monopoly. 'This economic strategy for two or more people gained the most popularity in the late XX century in many countries, including the Soviet Union. 

Goal of the game - using a rational start-up capital to make the bankruptcy of other players. 

Conceived as the game was in the midst of the Great Depression. Charles Darrow showed a draft of the game 'Monopoly' to representatives of Parker Brothers, which, however, rejected the project - due to '52 design errors', but that did not stop the unemployed Charles, who has decided to release the game on its own. 

Monopoly has gone into history - in 1935 it became a best-selling game in America. The current number of playing Monopoly has exceeded half a billion people.

unemployed [ ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd ] безработный;
board game [ bɔːd ] [ ɡeɪm ] настольная игра;
Goal [ ɡəʊl ] цель;
bankruptcy [ ˈbæŋ.krə ] банкротство;
representatives [ ˌrep.rɪˈzen.tə.tɪv ] представители;
current [ ˈkʌrənt ] текущий.