Love Your Pet Day!

What is the day today?

Love Your Pet Day!

Love Your Pet Day is celebrated every year on February 20, and it gives pet owners a chance to show their dog, cat, fish, turtle or any other pets you may have how much you really appreciate them. Of course we should show love and appreciation to our pets every day, but today is a celebration of all pets, so go do a bit more for your furry friends today. 

If you love your pet, spend extra time with it on that day. Other ideas are: make it new toys, give it extra attention, let it sleep alongside you or give it a special treat. 

If you’re not a pet owner, maybe you could adopt a pet today.

Pet [ pet ] домашний питомец;
furry [ ˈfɜː.ri ] пушистый;
attention [ əˈtenʃn ] внимание, забота;
alongside [ əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd ] рядом; 
adopt [ əˈdɒpt ] принимать, усыновлять.