Edison's Phonograph Patented!

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Edison's Phonograph Patented!

Patent for Phonograph Issued February 19, 1878 One of Edison's first great inventions.
Washington - Thomas A. Edison, one of the outstanding geniuses in the history of technology, received patent no. 200,521 for a phonograph on February 19, 1878. This patent is just one of the more than one thousand Edison was granted for his inventions. 

Edison was exceptionally inquisitive, and while tinkering with the telegraph transmitter he discovered that when played back at high speeds, the tape sounded like spoken words. He figured out that the human voice, and other sounds, could cause a light material plate to vibrate. And, when properly placed, a needle could indent the plate, recording the vibrations, and found that yet another needle could play them back. He eventually rigged a tinfoil cylinder and a stylus with which he recorded, 'Mary Had a Little Lamb.'

invention [ ɪnˈvenʃn ] изобретение, выдумка;
outstanding [ aʊtˈstændɪŋ ] выдающийся, нерешенный;
exceptionally [ ɪkˈsep.ʃən.əl ] исключительно;
tinkering [ ˈtɪŋ.kər ] попытка;
lamb [ læm ] барашек.