International Games Day!

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International Games Day!

Saturday 19 November is International Games Day in libraries around the world. Basically, it's just a date when libraries all over the world agree to play games in a spirit of cooperation. The games can be anything the library and community in question likes: previously, libraries have hosted "learn to play chess" days, board games, card games, trivia games, tabletop roleplaying games, social games, video games, and online videogame tournaments.

library [ ˈlaɪbrəri ] библиотека;
Basically [ ˈbeɪsɪkli ] в основном;
cooperation [ kəʊˌɒp.ərˈeɪ.ʃən ] сотрудничество;
board [ bɔːd ] правление, Совет;
trivia games [ ˈtrɪv.i.ə ][ ɡeɪm ] викторины;
tabletop roleplaying games [ˈteɪbltɒp][ˈrolˌpleɪŋ][ ɡeɪm ] настольная ролевая игра;
videogame tournaments [ˈvɪdioˌɡem][ ˈtʊə.nə.mənt ] видеоигровые турниры.