Homemade Bread Day!

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Homemade Bread Day!

Sliced bread is undoubtedly a good thing – it saves time, and the effort of kneading. But it’s a real shame that so few of us get to taste the yeasty deliciousness that is home-made bread. And that’s where Home-Made Bread Day comes in! 

The origins of this Day are shrouded in mystery, but its purpose and benefits are obvious. The invention of the bread-maker has taken a lot of the effort out of baking, meaning that there is no reason why everyone shouldn’t enjoy home-made bread, which is often of much higher quality than the stuff you can buy in a shop. Home-baked bread is often healthier, higher in fibre and lower in salt and additives than commercial varieties, and the recipe can be modified to suit the maker’s tastes, with grains, spices or other additions.

undoubtedly [ ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli ] несомненно;
kneading [ niːd ] замешивание;
yeasty [ jiːst ] дрожжевой;
shrouded [ ʃraʊd ] окутанный;
fibre [ ˈfaɪ.bər ] волокно.