
What is the day today?


HumanLight – On December 23rd 
The HumanLight holiday presents an alternative reason to celebrate in the December holiday season! 

HumanLight illuminates Humanism’s positive, secular vision. 

Celebrate and express positive humanist ideals and values: Reason, Compassion, Hope, Humanity. 

Celebrate and promote a positive vision of a better future — a future in which all people can identify with each other and try to behave with high moral standards — a future which people can build by working together for a happy, just and peaceful world. Celebrate human achievements that help build that future.

illuminates [ ɪˈluː.mɪ.neɪt ] загораться, подсвечиваться;
secular vision [ ˈsek.jʊ.lər ] [ ˈvɪʒn ] светское видение;
promote [ prəˈməʊt ] способствовать, продвигать;
achievement [ əˈtʃiːvmənt ] достижение, выполнение.