Christmas Eve!

What is the day today?

Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve in the United States, which is annually on December 24, is the day before Christmas Day. It falls within the Christmas season, which is a time for people to buy presents and visit friends or relatives.

Since Christmas Eve is not an official federal holiday, most people have to work. However, it is a partial day off or a full day off in some states. Many workplaces hold Christmas parties or celebrations, so there is a celebratory air to the day. 

Many people in the United States decorate their homes and driveways with seasonal decorations, although some do this much earlier, starting just after Thanksgiving Day in late November. The centerpiece of the decorations is often a Christmas tree decorated with fairy lights, tinsel, angels, stars and other seasonal ornaments. 

In the evening, often just before bedtime, many families, particularly those with children, will hang up stockings on the fireplace or the end of their bed. These Christmas stockings are often red with a white fluffy trim, although they may be of any design and are often much bigger than the socks that they represent. Children hope that Santa Claus, a mythical figure thought to represent an ancient European saint, will enter their home via the chimney and fill their stocking with gifts, sweets and oranges.

partial day [ ˈpɑː.ʃəl ][ deɪ ] неполный день;
workplaces [ ˈwɜːk.pleɪs ] рабочие места;
driveways [ ˈdraɪv.weɪ ] подъездные пути;
centerpiece [ ˈsen.tə.piːs ] центральный элемент;
tinsel [ ˈtɪn.səl ] мишура;
stockings [ ˈstɒk.ɪŋ ] чулки;
trim [ trɪm ] отделка;
chimney [ ˈtʃɪ ] труба, дымоход.