Go Caroling Day!

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Go Caroling Day!

Any fan of old classic movies knows that carolers were one of the hallmarks of any Christmas themed movie. Whether it was “It’s a wonderful Life” or Charles Dickens “Christmas Carol”, you could be certain at some point some warmly bedecked singers would arrive at someone’s door belting out the traditional songs for Christmas. 
While Caroling is slowly falling out of style, there’s still time to preserve this time honored tradition, and Go Caroling Day is your call to arms.

carolers [ˈkærəl] колядники;
hallmarks [ ˈhɔːl.mɑːk ] клейма;
bedecked [ bɪˈdek ] украшенный;
honor [ ˈɒn.ər ] честь, почёт, почитать.