Celebration of Yule!

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Celebration of Yule!

With traditions drawing from their ancestral past, Pagans welcome the season of Yule with wassail, pine trees, and various other festivities.

Yule is often confused with the winter solstice, but the former is a season while the latter is a precise moment in time. 

Yule begins with the Arra Geola moon, which grows full in late November or the first few weeks of December, and the season then continues for two lunar months. 

For Saxon Pagans (as well as Pagans from many other paths), the celebration of the Yuletide usually does not actually begin until Mothers’ Night (the solstice) and continues for a week or two after this. 

ancestral [ ˈæn.ses.tər ] родовой, исконный;
wassail [ˈwɑːseɪl] колядовать;
pine tree [ paɪn ] [ triː ] сосна;
solstice [ ˈsɒl.stɪs ] солнцестояние;
precise [ prɪˈsaɪs ] точный, чёткий.