День Шеф-повара

International Chef Day 

Going out to restaurants one of people’s favorite activities because they get the chance to taste the best cuisine from the chefs that work behind the scenes. International Chef day is a for them, and is probably one of the best opportunities people can get to learn how to cook and connect with chefs in their local area. It’s also a great opportunity to teach kids how to cook and inspire them to become chefs. Let’s discover where it came from and what International Chef Day is all about!


We have prepared a few words on this topic #International_Chef_Day


? Chef [ʃef]-шеф-повар

? Taste [teɪst]-пробовать (на вкус); отведать

? Cuisine [kwɪ'ziːn]-кухня, стол (питание; кулинарное искусство)

? Cook [kuk] -готовить

? Area ['eərɪə]-площадь, площадка, участок; пространство