A complete list of English words that contain ‘vv’

A complete list of English words that contain ‘vv’ 
(two Vs in a row)

by Jakub Marian 

They are not very common, but still there are some English words that contain two Vs in a row. Un-like two Us in a row which are present only in borrowed words (usually from Latin), two Vs are generally used in proper English words to modify the sound of the preceding vowel; for example “savy” (a non-existing word) would be pronounced say-vee, whereas “savvy” is pronounced sæv-ee.  

Here are all such words:  

bevvy /ˈbɛvi/ (bev-ee) is a slang term for a drink (i.e. a beverage). The plural is “bevvies”.  

bovver /ˈbɒvə/ (bovv-ə); Cockney slang for “bother” that has partially entered mainstream usage via the term “bovver boots”, which refers to heavy steel-toe boots, usually associated with violence and skinhead culture.  

chivvy /ˈtʃɪvi/ (tchi-vee) means “to try and make somebody do something quickly”. The other forms are “chivvies”, “chivvying”, and “chivvied”. 

civvy /ˈsɪvi/ (siv-ee) is a slang term (it can be a noun or an adjective) referring to a civilian. In British armed forces, “civvy street” refers to the civilian life in general. The plural is “civvies”. 

flivver /ˈflɪvɚ/ (fli-vr) is an outdated American slang term used for a small car that gave a rough ride. 

divvy /ˈdɪvi/ (div-ee) is a slang term meaning “to divide”. Derived expressions are “divvies”, “divvying”, and “divvied”. 

luvvy or luvvie /ˈlʌvi/ (love-ee) is, in British English, an actor or actress who is particularly effusive or affected. Informally, it may be an affectionate term for a person. The plural form is “luvvies”. 

navvy /ˈnævi/ (næ-vee) is a person employed to do hard physical work. The plural is “navvies”. 

revved /rɛvd/ (revd) and revving /ˈrɛvɪŋ/ (rev-ing) are derived forms of “rev”, a verb meaning “to increase the speed of”. 

savvy /ˈsævi/ (sæ-vee) means “having practical knowledge of something”. Derived forms are “savvier” and “savviest”. 

skivvy /ˈskɪvi/ (skiv-ee) – in British English, “skivvy” is an informal term for a servant who does boring work (or a verb meaning “to do boring work”). In American English, it is an informal term for underwear. The plural (or the third person singular) is skivvies; when used as a verb, the derived forms are “skivvies”, “skivvying”, and “skivvied”. 

spivvy /ˈspɪvi/ (spiv-ee) – related to are being a spiv, which is an old-fashioned slang term defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a man engaging in petty black market dealings, characterized by flashy dress”. Related terms would be “spivvier” and “spivviest”. 
