World Day of Snowman!

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World Day of Snowman!

The snowman is the beloved symbol for the winter. He is one of the most popular figures worldwide. Wherever people know snow they know also snow formed figures and figurines. The snowman is apolitical and has no religious background. Two of many reasons to enjoy high sympathies everywhere. 

Anyhow he himself belongs to threatened species. Due to his short lifespan the snowman symbolizes fugacity. Nowadays the global warming i.e. in Central Europe results that the snowman becomes rather rare. Less snow is falling. Snow is melting much faster, is remaining for short periods only. Often that short that time isn’t sufficient for construction of a snowman.

Is there a better number than 18 or 81 to stylise a snowman? Figure 8 looks like a snowman, figure 1 like his stick or broom. Date 81 isn’t possible, so 18 is the best choice.

beloved [ bɪˈlʌv.ɪd ] любимый;
figurines [ ˌfɪɡ.əˈriːn ] фигурки;
sympathy [ ˈsɪm.pə.θi ] симпатия, общность, сочувствие;
threatened [ ˈθret.ən ] угрожаемый, угрожающий;
fugacity [fjʊˈɡasɪti] мимолетность, летучесть, кратковременность.