World Art Day!

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World Art Day!

The International Association of Arts has declared April 15, 2012 the first World Art Day, and the event will be celebrated Turkey’s national committee president- Bedri Baykam - presented a proposal suggesting that Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday, April 15, be declared World Art Day. 

Given Leonardo’s multi-faceted personality as a painter, sculptor, thinker, writer, innovator, mathematician and philosopher, his birthday was seen as a perfect choice for a day to commemorate the role of art in the contemporary world, with its complex artistic, social and political layers. 

All the national committees of the IAA will be contributing to World Art Day through festivities, exhibitions, panel discussions, posters, banners and parties, emphasizing the role of art in achieving peace and freedom. From Mexico to Japan, from France to Sweden, from Slovakia to South Africa, from Cyprus to Venezuela, countries on all continents are preparing to celebrate World Art Day in different ways.

committee [ kəˈmɪti ] комитет;
proposal [ prəˈpəʊzl ] предложение, план;
suggesting [ səˈdʒest ] предлагающее;
innovator [ ˈɪn.ə.veɪt ] новатор;
contemporary [ kənˈtemprəri ] современный, модернистский;
exhibition [ ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn ] выставка, проявление.