Woman Wears Gun-Shaped Stiletto High Heels to Airport

An Extremely Smart Traveler

Decided to Bring Gun-Shaped High Heels to the Airport


Guess what happened.  


By Megan Friedman

There may be an appropriate time and place to rock a pair of high heels decorated with bullets and gun barrels. The airport? Not one of them. This weekend, a woman did just that—and got in a spot of trouble with the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), according to the Associated Press. 

The traveler sauntered into Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport on Sunday with stilettos seemingly from the brand Pleaser Shoes in her carry-on bag. She also had a pair of bracelets that were decorated with fake bullets. Guess what happens when an X-ray spots something that looks like guns and ammo? Yes, the woman was stopped.  

She was told she could check her luggage, and so she went to the counter in an attempt to do just that, but it was too late. The unlucky traveler had to ditch her shoes and bracelets in order to catch her flight. Pleaser Shoes tweeted a warning to its customers to "make smart decisions about your carry-on bags."  

The TSA recommends avoiding bringing replica guns or ammo to an airport checkpoint. "Items such as this look like real, actual firearms to the TSA officers who are staffing the X-ray monitors," TSA spokesperson Lisa Farbstein told CNN. "It will definitely slow them down, slow down their traveling companions who are waiting for them, and it will slow down the checkpoint lines for other travelers."