Всемирный День Пирсинга

International Body Piercing Day

June 28th is Jim Ward’s birthday and the industry now celebrates it as International Body Piercing Day.
Ward pioneered many jewelry designs including the fixed bead ring and internally threaded barbells. He was introduced to barbell style jewelry by Horst Heinrich Streckenbach ("Tattoo Samy"), a tattooist and piercer from Frankfurt, Germany, and his student Manfred "Tattoo" Kohrs from Hanover, Germany

We have prepared a few words on this topic  #Body_Piercing_Day

? Piercing ['pɪəsɪŋ]- пирсинг
? Body ['bɔdɪ] - тело
? Tattooist [tæ'tuːɪst] , [tə-]- татуировщик; татуировщица
? Barbell ['bɑːbel]- штанга
? Jewellery ['ʤuːəlrɪ]- драгоценности; ювелирные изделия