The 3 Main Reasons Why People are Afraid to Think

Logical thought is one of the main traits that distinguish us humans from other animals.
The majority of people, however, don’t make full use of their thinking capacity, mainly because of the conditioning that they had to undergo when they were growing up, which has made them fear thinking.

Here are the three main reasons why people are afraid to think: 

1. Thinking brings change 
Thinking can make us reconsider our way of living, allowing us to see things from different perspectives, and helping us find ways to overcome obstacles that we might be facing — in short, it can change our lives to the better, if used wisely. 
2. Thinking brings doubt 
It is said that ignorance is bliss, and that’s true, in a sense. The more ignorant we are, the less we feel the need to think, and hence the less we feel the stress to change and become the greatest version of ourselves. 
3. Thinking brings responsibility 
Freedom and responsibility always go hand in hand, but it seems that people hate responsibility, and hence don’t embrace freedom. 
From a young age, most people have learned to place all responsibility on other’s shoulders, always blaming people and situations for the life they are living, without ever criticizing themselves, because to criticize yourself means to accept responsibility, and this can sometimes be a big burden. 
And what is the best way to avoid responsibility? Don’t think, and let others do the thinking for yourself. You don’t need to tire and stress yourself — somebody else will do the dirty work for you. That’s why we have chosen to give power to politicians and all sorts of leaders, believing that a savior will come to relieve us of anything that prevents us from living the good life. 
The truth, however, is that no change can take place unless we chang ourselves first, by starting to think for ourselves, be responsible for our lives, and take conscious action in order to create the better life that we wish to experience.