Planet Uranus Discovered!

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Planet Uranus Discovered!

Uranus was discovered by the British astronomer, William Herschel on the 13th of March 1781, but initially reported it (on April 26, 1781) as a "comet". 

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and was the first planet to be discovered with the use of a telescope. Uranus’ most unique feature is that its axis sideways in comparison to other planets i.e. its north and south poles are in line with where other planets have their equators. Uranus is named after the Greek sky deity Ouranos, the earliest of the lords of the heavens. 

The only spacecraft to visit Uranus is Voyager 2 which passed in 1986 passing at a distance of 81,500 km.

astronomer [ əˈstrɒn.ə.mər ] астроном;
initially [ ɪˈnɪʃəli ] в начале, в начальной стадии;
axis [ ˈæk.sɪs ] ось, вал;
comparison [ kəmˈpærɪsn ] сравнение, аналогия;
spacecraft [ ˈspeɪs.krɑːft ] космический аппарат.