Pan American Aviation Day!

What is the day today?

Pan American Aviation Day!

Pan American Aviation Day is annually observed in the United States on December 17. It celebrates and stimulates interest in aviation in the western hemisphere as an important way to develop more rapid communications and cultural development. It is observed on the same day as the Wright Brothers Day and must not be confused with National Aviation Day.

Activities on the day include: school trips to aviation museums or centers; classroom exercises to stimulate students' interest in and knowledge of the history and technological advancements of aviation in the western hemisphere; and special meetings or luncheons focusing on aviation. The theme of the day may tie in with the Wright Brothers Day, which also focuses on two pioneers in the aviation industry – Orville and Wilbur Wright. The Wright Brothers were responsible for the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight on December 17, 1903.

hemisphere [ ˈhem.ɪ.sfɪər ] полушарие;
rapid [ ˈræpɪd ] быстрый, резкий;
advancements [ədˈvænsmənts] достижения;
luncheons [ ˈlʌn.tʃən ] обеды; 
sustained [ səˈsteɪnd ] поддерживаемый.