North Pole Discovered!

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North Pole Discovered!

Robert Peary and Matthew Henson opened up the gateway to the North Pole. In 1909 they became the first people to make it to the North Pole. Robert Peary, who led many expeditions to the Pole and Greenland, chose Matthew Henson to be his assistant. Henson, an African-American, also opened up exploration for his race. 

Henson met Peary while working in a store in Washington D.C. Peary invited Henson to accompany him on his exploration of Nicaragua in 1888. From that point on they would be partners in many historical explorations. 

In 1908 Peary and Henson set out over ice from Ellesmere Island. On April 6, 1909 they finally reached the North Pole. Robert Peary and Matthew Henson were accompanied by four Eskimos. It is said that Peary had to rest three miles from the pole making Henson the first American to reach the North Pole. 

North Pole [ nɔːθ ] [ pəʊl ] северный полюс;
gateway [ ˈɡeɪt.weɪ ] ворота, доступ;
exploration [ ˌek.spləˈreɪ.ʃən ] разведка, исследование;
accompany [ əˈkʌmpəni ]