No Interruptions Day!

What is the day today?

No Interruptions Day – Last Work Day of the Year!

No Interruptions Day is observed annually on the last work day of the year. This is a day set aside for getting organized for the new year by cleaning up your work space without interruptions. 

No Interruptions Day arose in response to a world where everywhere we go information and noise is blasted at us from every angle. Visually the world is full of flashing screens and pop-ups and outlandish things determined to draw our attention from what we’re doing and make us LOOK LOOK LOOK for a moment. Whether it’s the man spinning a sign in a Lady Liberty outfit advertising a tax service, or a pop-up on your phone from the latest twitter post, everything wants your attention, right now. 

Interruption [ ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃn ] перерыв, прерывание;
arose [ əˈrəʊz ] возник;
response [ rɪˈspɒns ] ответ, реакция;
blasted [ ˈblɑː.stɪd ] разрушенный;
outlandish [ ˌaʊtˈlæn.dɪʃ ] нелепый.