National Cocoa Day! (USA)

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National Cocoa Day!

A cold December day is the perfect time to make yourself a cup of hot cocoa and celebrate National Cocoa Day. Each year on December 13, people across the country enjoy honoring their favorite cold weather comfort drink.

Hot cocoa is a warm beverage made with cocoa powder, heated milk or water and sugar. The terms “hot chocolate” and “hot cocoa” are often used interchangeably by Americans making the difference between them that hot chocolate is made with shaved or melted chocolate instead of the cocoa powder.

It is believed that it was 2000 years ago that the first chocolate beverage was created by the Mayas and a cocoa beverage was an essential part of Aztec culture by 1400 AD. 

There are health benefits to drinking hot cocoa. Cocoa contains large amounts of antioxidants that may help prevent cancer. It has also been shown that the cocoa beans help with digestion. The flavonoids that are found in the cocoa also have a positive effect on arterial health.

beverage [ ˈbev.ər.ɪdʒ ] напиток;
powder [ ˈpaʊdə(r) ] порошок;
interchangeably [ ˌɪn.təˈtʃeɪn.dʒə.bl̩ ] попеременно;
essential [ ɪˈsenʃl ] существенный, необходимый;
prevent [ prɪˈvent ] предотвращать, препятствовать;
cancer [ ˈkænsə(r) ] рак;
digestion [ daɪˈdʒes.tʃən ] пищеварение.