National Almond Day!

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National Almond Day!

Whether you are eating them by themselves, using almond milk, pasta, flour, butter, oil or meal, almonds offer a delicious flavor along with many health benefits. Almonds are one of the most heart-healthy foods on the market, packed with vitamin E, magnesium and fiber. 

▪  According to a survey of 500 health professionals, almonds may be beneficial to a healthy lifestyle. 

▪  Recent research from Purdue University suggests that eating almonds can help people feel satisfied for several hours, which can support weight management and counter weight gain. 

▪  Eighty percent of the world’s almonds are grown in California.

almond [ ˈɑː.mənd ] миндаль; 
themselves [ ðəmˈselvz ] сами, самостоятельно;
benefit [ ˈbenɪfɪt ] преимущество;
fiber [ ˈfaɪ.bər ] волокно, белок;
suggest [ səˈdʒest ] предлагать.