Mitten Tree Day!

What is the day today?

Mitten Tree Day!

Mittens, we have all used them in our lives, some of us probably still do. They are our favorite things to use when making snowballs or making a snowman. They keep our hands warm from the cold and crunchy snow that we pick up and throw at each other, and are a good way to make sure our hands are colorful against the bright whiteness of the snowy ground. We are here today to learn about a day just for these little colorful, fuzzy, and soft hand covers, a day called Mitten Tree Day!

History of Mitten Tree Day
Created by school teachers as a way to have a fun Christmastime activity for the children to make while they were in school. Others would claim that the holiday was created because of a book with the title “The Mitten Tree” which was written by author Candace Christiansen, in the book the main character Sarah is bundling up to walk through the cold winter weather, and on her trek she sees a group of children placing their mittens on a small dead tree.

Mittens [ ˈmɪt.ən ] варежки;
crunchy [ ˈkrʌn.tʃi ] хрустящий;
fuzzy [ ˈfʌz.i ] пушистый;
claim [ kleɪm ] заявка, требование;
trek [ trek ] переход, путешествие.