Международный Олимпийский День

International Olympic Day

Commemorating the birth of the modern Olympic Games, Olympic Day is not only a celebration, but an international effort to promote fitness and well-being in addition to the Olympic ideals of Fair Play, Perseverance, Respect and Sportsmanship.

We have prepared a few words on this topic #International_Olympic_Day

? Сommemorate [kə'meməreɪt]- отмечать, праздновать (дату)
? Effort ['efət]- усилие, достижение
? Well-being ['welˌbiːɪŋ]- благополучие, процветание
? Fair Play [feə] [pleɪ]- честная игра
? Perseverance [ˌpɜːsɪ'vɪər(ə)n(t)s]- упорство