Международный День Головоломки

International Puzzle Day

International Puzzle Day celebrates the birth of Dr. Erno Rubik, the inventor of Rubik’s Cube.
When Erno Rubik invented the toy in 1974, he created one hand-made cube, and part of his goal was to create a challenging three-dimensional puzzle with aesthetic value. Thus, the cube is protected by copyright law until 70 years after the death of its creator.

We have prepared a few words on this topic #International_Puzzle_Day

? Inventor [ɪn'ventə]- изобретатель
? Cube [kjuːb]- кубик
? Aesthetic [iːs'θetɪk] - эстетический, чувственный, связанный с ощущениями
? Сhallenging ['ʧælɪnʤɪŋ]- стимулирующий, побуждающий
? Puzzle ['pʌzl]- головоломка (игрушка), ребус, мозаика