Make Your Dream Come True Day!

What is the day today?

Make Your Dream Come True Day!

Make Your Dream Come True Day gives you the opportunity to do something to realize your goals and dreams. Whatever your dreams are, they usually don't come true without some effort on your part. So, today is the perfect opportunity to do something about it. 

On this day do something, anything, to move in the direction of achieving your dreams. Sure, sometimes it takes several steps to accomplish them. So view today as a time to get started on them. With a little effort, they will come true!

opportunity [ ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti ] перспектива;
goal [ ɡəʊl ] цель;
effort [ ˈefət ] усилие, попытка;
achieving [ əˈtʃiːv ] достигающий, добивающийся;
accomplish [ əˈkʌm.plɪʃ ] достигать, завершать.