Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day!

What is the day today?

Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day!

“It’s nice if people can finally loosen up a little bit and just go out laugh at silliness. I mean, people take themselves way too seriously sometimes.” 
– Larry the Cable Guy 

Every day is a new lap in the rat race, and sometimes we get so caught up in that that we lace ourselves in a little tight. Things have to go ‘just so’ and if things get out of whack we start to lose our minds a little. Routine and precision are definitely useful traits in certain situations, but Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day reminds us that sometimes, we just have to let go and enjoy the chaos that life brings us with a smile.

Loosen [ ˈluː.sən ] ослаблять, отпускать;
silliness [ ˈsɪl.i.nəs ] глупость;
precision [ prɪˈsɪʒ.ən ] точность.