Look for an Evergreen Day!

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Look for an Evergreen Day!

Every year one thing remains the same around the holidays, people everywhere have to decide at what point before the big day they’re going to go out and hunt down a Christmas tree. 

History of Look for an Evergreen Day 
Look for an Evergreen Day was originally established by the National Arborist Association to create a day to appreciate the beauty of these trees outside of the confines of merely being bedecked with glittering lights and ornaments.

Evergreens have played an important role in many societies throughout the ages, selected for religious observances due to their seemingly eternal nature even in a season of death. But that’s not the only place they’re represented, the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest were entirely reliant on the red cedar for multiple aspects of their culture. Whether they were making clothing, fishing line, ropes, or building their homes or canoes, the red cedar was vital a vital part of their lives.

remain [ rɪˈmeɪn ] оставаться, находится;
confines [ ˈkɒn.faɪnz ] пределы;
merely [ ˈmɪəli ] только, просто;
bedecked [ bɪˈdek ] украшенный;
reliant [ rɪˈlaɪ.əns ] уверенный; 
multiple [ ˈmʌl.tɪ.pl̩ ] множественный, многочисленный;
ropes [ rəʊp ] верёвки.