International Romani Day!

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International Romani Day!

The International Romani Day (April 8) is a day to celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people. 

During the 1960s a number of Romani organizations were established in France and the United Kingdom, as the number or Romani organizations grew so did an interest in the creation of international Romani organizations. After a number of failed attempts, success was made when Roma people from a number of European countries met in Orpington, near London, in April of 1971. 

This congress, the first truly international meeting of Roma, brought a number of successes; the International Romani Union was founded, the Romani flag was accepted, and the song “Gelem, Gelem” composed by Jarko Jovanovic was adopted as an anthem. The delegates also unanimously declared April 8th as the International Day of Roma. 

issues [ ˈɪʃ.uː ] вопросы;
attempt [ əˈtempt ] попытка, проба; 
truly [ ˈtruːli ] действительно, верно;
anthem [ ˈæn.θəm ] гимн;
unanimously [ juːˈnæn.ɪ.məs ] единогласно, в один голос.