International Mountain Day!

What is the day today? 

International Mountain Day!

The year 2002 was the International Year of Mountains. As this year drew to a close, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed December 11 to be International Mountain Day. This observance, which is celebrated annually, aims to draw attention to the important roles that mountainous regions play in water and food supply. 

What Do People Do? 
Various activities are organized on and around International Mountain Day. These aim to increase awareness of and knowledge around the role of mountains and mountainous regions amongst the general population and professionals. Particular examples of events are: book fairs; symposia; themed lectures for students; workshops and press events. Mountaineering and explorations societies may hold lectures and social events on or around December 11.

drew to [ druː ][ tə ] приближалась к;
proclaim [ prəˈkleɪm ] провозглашать, объявлять;
increase [ ɪnˈkriːs ] увеличение, рост;
awareness [ əˈweə.nəs ] осведомлённость;
symposia [ sɪmˈpəʊ.zi.əm ] симпозиумы.