International Moment of Laughter Day!

What is the day today? 

International Moment of Laughter Day!

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to laugh out loud in public? Well, get ready to do it again, because April 14 has been set aside to do just that! 

Laughter is a potent and powerful way to deal with the difficulties of modern living. Since the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of laughter are widely accepted, this day is set aside for everyone to take the necessary time to experience the power of laughter. 

In addition to spreading joy, laughter has many health benefits. Studies have shown that there is indeed some truth to the old saying, 'laughter is the best medicine.' Laughter can act as an antidote to pain, stress, and conflict. It also strengthens our immune systems, boosts circulation, and relaxes muscles. 

permission [ pəˈmɪʃn ] разрешение, право;
potent [ ˈpəʊ.tənt ] мощный, эффективный;
addition [ əˈdɪʃn ] дополнение;
spreading [ spred ] распространяющийся;
strengthens [ ˈstreŋ.θən ] укрепляет.