How Often Do You Go Food Shopping?

A new survey has revealed that half of us no longer do a ‘big shop’ for the weekly groceries. What’s your supermarket routine?

A new survey by voucher code website found that half of the Britons they interviewed no longer buy groceries in bulk to last them the week. Instead, they buy smaller amounts of food on a more regular basis. It marks a big shift in habits – over three-quarters (76%) of respondents said that they used to do a ‘big shop’ once upon a time.

Just over 2,300 Brits aged 18 and over (all in full time employment, and living with at least one other adult and child) took part in the poll, answering questions about their grocery shopping habits.

"Can't be bothered"

When those people who don’t do a weekly food shop were asked why, the most popular answer was “a lack of time” (49%), followed by “can’t be bothered” (26%) and “prefer to shop more frequently” (17%).

Over a third (36%) of people said that they did one weekly shop, while 9% said they shopped for groceries less frequently than once a week.

The average weekly shopping basket for those who visited the shops just once a week came to £86.52; and the 51% who said that they shop almost on a daily basis reported spending about £115.64 a week. That’s a difference of nearly £30 a week. Or £1,514 a year!

George Charles, spokesperson for, said: “Although the weekly shop can feel like a big chore, people end up saving themselves money in the long run by doing it. Popping into your local shop as and when you need items is very time consuming and also ends up being expensive.

“If people cannot be bothered to do the weekly shop, they should consider click and collect services that supermarkets offer to shoppers, or they could order their items online for delivery.”

What about you? 

Personally, my household shops every day for food. Why? Three main reasons: 1) I never know what I want for tea until around lunch time that same day; 2) I can only buy what I can carry, seeing as we live close to town and therefore always walk in; and 3) who on earth has time to plan and then buy enough meals to last a week? 

But it seems I'm in the minority. A quick straw poll of the office revealed that most either go food shopping a few times a week (11 people) or once a week (10 people), while five go every day and one organised individual only goes once a month.

Managing Editor Simon answered 'once a week' for the very same reason that I go every day – lack of time. However, he has two children and lives in a rural village, so his strategy is different. He says, "We buy once in bulk online with a delivery then top up from the local shop or at supermarkets near our workplaces at lunchtimes in the week. We’re pressed for time, so need to plan our meals in advance."

How often do you food shop a week?


By Charlotte Morgan