Hot & Spicy International Food Day!

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Hot & Spicy International Food Day!

Hot and spicy food has been a part of the human diet for over 6000 years. Many cultures use a variety of spices as staples in the diet. For example, cayenne pepper is a common spice used in Cajun, Thai, Russian, Tex Mex and Asian cuisines, just to name a few. 

Besides the flavors that hot spices add to foods, there is also literature stating that hot and spicy foods can be good for killing bacteria in food. Garlic, oregano, onions and allspice are examples of bacteria-killing spices. It is believed that ancient cultures, especially those in hotter climates, adapted when they learned that foods high in spices allowed them to remain healthier than bland foods. 
To celebrate International Hot and Spicy Food Day, try a few hot peppers or hot sauces with your food.

variety [ vəˈraɪəti ] сорт, разновидность;
cuisine [ kwɪˈziːn ] кухня, стол;
garlic [ ˈɡɑː.lɪk ] чеснок;
allspice [ ˈɔːl.spaɪs ] ямайский перец;
bland [ blænd ] безвкусный.