Happy Mew Year for Cats Day!

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Happy Mew Year for Cats Day!

Any cat owner will tell you that cats consider themselves to be far, far superior to us mere mortals. They most certainly feel entitled and deserving of all that life has to offer, so why not have a Happy Mew Year Day For Cats Day just for them? 

Like the hugely inferior human version of New Year’s Day, it is on this special day that our feline companions can paws (get it?) and consider the ‘mewness’ of the brand new season and all of the purrfect possibilities it holds. Perhaps this will be the year their people start feeding them tinned food instead of dry? Maybe that tomcat next door will make his move? Will the useless dog realise that the cat is king in this house? All these questions and more can be pondered by our furry kitties today while they go about their normal business of looking aloof and disinterested. After all, don’t you know that cats rule and dogs drool?

consider [ kənˈsɪdə(r) ] считать, рассматривать;
inferior [ ɪnˈfɪə.ri.ər ] низший, плохонький; 
tinned [ tɪnd ] консервированный;
pondered [ ˈpɒn.dər ] обдуманный;
disinterested [ dɪˈsɪn.trə.stɪd ] бескорыстный;
drool [ druːl ] чепуха.