Facts About Yawning: Why We Do It, How to Stop, and More

Even thinking about yawning can cause you to do it. It’s something everybody does, including animals, and you shouldn’t try to stifle it because when you yawn, it’s because your body needs it. It’s one of the most contagious, uncontrollable actions a body does.
There are many theories as to why people yawn. One popular theory is that yawning helps your body bring in more oxygen. But this theory has been mostly debunked. 
The most scientifically backed theory about why we yawn is brain temperature regulation. A 2014 study published in Physiology & Behavior looked at the yawning habits of 120 people and found that yawning occurred less during the winter. If the brain’s temperature gets too far outside of the norm, inhaling air can help cool it down. 
You may also find yourself yawning more if you get migraines. During a migraine, your blood clots in your brain. Yawning helps to cool your brain down from that clotting. 
Another reason you may yawn is because the body wants to wake itself up. The motion helps stretch the lungs and their tissues, and it allows the body to flex its muscles and joints. It may also force blood toward your face and brain to increase alertness. 

Is yawning contagious? 
Yawning  is definitely contagious. Even videos of people doing it can trigger a yawning session. 
If you did catch a yawn, then according to a study from Baylor University, it’s a good thing. You’re showing empathy and bonding. 
The study, published in Personality and Individual Differences, looked at 135 college students, their personalities, and how they reacted to different facial movements. The results showed that the less empathy a person had, the less likely he or she would yawn after seeing someone else yawn.  
It’s important to note that these results can’t be generalized. Not “catching” a yawn isn’t evidence for psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. 

Should you see a doctor for yawning ‘too much’? 
You should see a doctor if you feel like you’re yawning more than usual and experiencing additional symptoms that interfere with your day-to-day activities. Tell your doctor when the yawning started and about other symptoms, such as mind fog, pain in certain areas, or even lack of sleep. This information can help your doctor diagnose the underlying condition and make treatment recommendations based on individual needs 


by Alana Biggers