Ditch New Years Resolutions Day!

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Ditch New Years Resolutions Day!

If there's a day to celebrate New Years and to make resolutions for the upcoming year, then there should be a day to ditch those resolutions. That's the reason for today. 

If you haven't broken or given up all of those New Year's resolutions, you're doing better than most of us. Maybe, you're well along the way to accomplishing them. Maybe, a few are already checked off on your list. Good for you! 

For many of us, New Years resolutions are hanging heavily over our heads. They have become a burden, and perhaps were not such a good idea after all. 

If you haven't accomplished, broken, or given up your New Year's resolutions, today is your chance to get out from under them.

resolution [ ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən ] резолюция, разрешение;
ditch [ dɪtʃ ] бросить, покинуть, избавиться от чего-либо;
accomplishing [ əˈkʌm.plɪʃ ] совершающий;
burden [ ˈbɜː.dən ] бремя, груз.