Difference between ‘violet’ and ‘purple’

Difference between ‘violet’ and ‘purple’


by Jakub Marian

People say that a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words, so lets take a look at the two col­ours in com­par­ison (there are vari­ous shades of purple and vi­olet, and the fol­low­ing pic­ture shows some of the more com­mon ones):

So, purple is more red­dish and sat­ur­ated, while vi­olet is more blu­ish and less sat­ur­ated. Case closed, right?

There is more in it than your eyes can see. To un­der­stand the dif­fer­ence, we have to take a look at how our eyes work first. The elec­tro­mag­netic spec­trum is a con­tinu­ous range of wavelengths, only a tiny part of which is vis­ible to hu­mans:

We see neither the ul­tra­vi­olet wavelengths and shorter, nor the in­frared wavelengths and longer. How do we see the rest? We have three types of col­our-sens­it­ive cells in our eyes, the so-called cones. The cones don’t per­ceive just a single col­our; they are ac­tiv­ated by a whole range of col­ours, as the fol­low­ing il­lus­tra­tion shows (the higher the curve, the more the given col­our ac­tiv­ates the cone):

For ex­ample, when you see pure red light, only the “red” cones are ac­tiv­ated, which tells your brain to cre­ate the im­pres­sion of red. On the other hand, when you see pure green light, both “green” and “red” cones are ac­tiv­ated, but your brain is smart and knows that “a lot of green ac­tiv­a­tion and a bit less red ac­tiv­a­tion” is in fact just pure green col­our, which is what you see.

The “red” cones have an in­ter­est­ing ad­di­tional prop­erty. They have a small bump of ab­sorp­tion around the short-wavelength (vi­olet) end of the vis­ible spec­trum. When vi­olet light hits your ret­ina, both the “blue” cones and much less the “red” cones are ac­tiv­ated, but your brain is smart and knows that “a lot of blue ac­tiv­a­tion and a bit of red ac­tiv­a­tion” rep­res­ents vi­olet.


Purple is not a spectral colour


Not all col­ours we can see are in the spec­trum dis­played above, the most no­tori­ous ex­ample being brown—there is no such thing as a brown wavelength. When you see an ob­ject, typ­ic­ally a mix­ture of dif­fer­ent wavelengths reaches your ret­ina, which causes the cones to be ac­tiv­ated at a ratio not achiev­able by a spec­tral col­our.

Our brains are very ef­fi­cient in how they in­ter­pret this mix­ture, and, as a res­ult, we are able to see sev­eral mil­lion dif­fer­ent col­ours, most of which can only be formed as a mix­ture of dif­fer­ent wavelengths and are not present in the spec­trum.

As we noted at the be­gin­ning of the art­icle, purple looks more “red­dish” than vi­olet, and that’s ab­so­lutely cor­rect; purple is formed by mix­ing red and blue at a ratio close to 1:1, whereas vi­olet is per­ceived by your eyes as con­tain­ing more blue than red. However, as you can see from the pic­ture above, no spec­tral col­our stim­u­lates the “blue” cones and the “red” cones at the ratio of 1:1 without also stim­u­lat­ing the “green” cones.

In other words, vi­olet is a “real” col­our and purple is not; you can have a source of mono­chro­matic vi­olet light, but everything that looks purple must emit both red and blue light.



Purple and violet look similar only to humans


If you take a look at the dis­tance between vi­olet and blue in the pic­ture of the spec­trum above, it is about the same as the dis­tance between green and or­ange. Purple is a mix­ture of red (which is at the op­pos­ite side of the spec­trum) and blue (which is re­l­at­ively far from vi­olet), so it is, tech­nic­ally, a com­pletely dif­fer­ent col­our.

The reason why purple and vi­olet look sim­ilar to us is the par­tic­u­lar ab­sorp­tion curve of our “red” cones, which most other an­im­als don’t share. This means that for other an­im­als, purple and vi­olet may look com­pletely dif­fer­ent!

Now ima­gine a vi­olet flower petal with a purple pat­tern on it. De­pend­ing on the par­tic­u­lar shades, this pat­tern might be com­pletely in­vis­ible to us, while many other an­im­als could see it as clearly as we can see an or­ange pat­tern on green back­ground. Even cam­eras wouldn’t help us; they cap­ture the same red-green-blue in­form­a­tion as our eyes do, so even tak­ing a photo of the petal and edit­ing it in Pho­toshop would not un­cover the pat­tern. Quite fas­cin­at­ing, isn’t it?