День Тишины

Quiet Day

Every day we are surrounded by the chatter of TV, the radio, even our friends and family. Few are the opportunities we have to engage in a little quiet contemplation, giving our vocal chords a rest to simply listen to the world around us and simply experience it. Quiet Day is dedicated to taking a little time to free your voice and mind from the rigors of conversation.

We have prepared a few words on this topic #Quiet_Day

? Quiet |ˈkwaɪət|- тишина
? Surrounded |səˈraʊndəd|- окруженный
? Chatter |ˈtʃætər|- болтовня
? Contemplation |ˌkɑːntəmˈpleɪʃn|- созерцание
? Chord |kɔːrd|- аккорд