Cyber Monday!

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Cyber Monday!

Cyber Monday falls on the first Monday after Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday in the United States. It's becoming one of busiest online shopping days for deals and discounts in the US.

Cyber Monday is a marketing invention that was first observed in 2005 by online Seen as an online version of Black Friday, Cyber Monday was created to allow customers to shop online from the comfort of their offices and homes. 

The day after Thanksgiving in the United States is traditionally considered to be the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, brick and mortar retailers have sales and provide massive discounts to attract customers, making it one of the busiest shopping days of the year. As a result, many people tend to stay away from stores to avoid crowds. 

invention [ ɪnˈvenʃn ] изобретение, затея;
retailer [ ˈriː.teɪ.lər ] розничный торговец;
considered [ kənˈsɪd.əd ] продуманный;
brick [ brɪk ] кирпич, брикет, брусок;
tend [ tend ] тяготеть, иметь тенденцию;
crowds [ kraʊd ] толпы.