Cuddle Up Day!

What is the day today?

Cuddle Up Day!

Cuddle Up [ ˈkʌd.l̩ ] [ ʌp ] обнимать, прижаться;
benefit [ ˈbenɪfɪt ] преимущество; 
tremendous [ trɪˈmen.dəs ] потрясающий, небывалый;
anxiety [ æŋˈzaɪəti ] тревога;
reassurance [ ˌriː.əˈʃɔː.rəns ] утешение, подтверждение.

January is typically some of the coldest days of the year, so what better way to stay warm and reap the health benefits of cuddling on National Cuddle Up Day

Cuddling releases oxytocin. This hormone alone has tremendous health benefits. Besides giving us warm and fuzzy feelings, oxytocin reduces pain. So when the cold has made those muscles and joints ache, cuddling can help reduce those aches and pains.

Oxytocin also helps reduce heart disease, reduces blood pressure, stress and anxiety. If it weren’t free, cuddling would probably be covered by health insurance it’s such a huge health benefit! 

Communication is more than just e-mails, texts or conversation. Physical touch can communicate trust, commitment, safety and reassurance. This goes for human to human contact as well has human to pet contact. Cuddling expresses all these things which are vital to a healthy relationship.