Chocolate Caramel Day!

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Chocolate Caramel Day!

The union of chocolate and caramel is arguably one of the greatest flavor combinations ever conceived by man. These two ingredients appear in countless candy bars, ice cream flavors, confections, and desserts. 

The History of Caramel 
Caramel is an American confection. As early as the seventeenth century, American were using caramelized sugar and water to make candies. The candy made from caramelized sugar and water was, of course, hard. But was very inexpensive to produce. It was easily transported, and it wasn't necessary to handle it with care. Best of all, it had a very long shelf life. 

Somewhere around 1850, it was discovered that by adding milk and fat products to this cooked sugar mixture, a sweet chewy confection was produced, and it was quickly named 'caramel.'

union [ ˈjuːniən ] союз, соединение;
arguably [ ˈɑːɡ.ju.ə.bli ] возможно;
conceived [ kənˈsiːv ] задуманный;
produce [ prəˈdjuːs ] производить, выпускать;
confection [ kənˈfek.ʃən ] кондитерское изделие.